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John Pringle appointed member of English Heritage/ CABE Urban Panel

English Heritage & CABE

John Pringle has been appointed a member of the English Heritage/ CABE Urban Panel from April 2010. This is a joint panel which discusses strategies and developments that bring significant change to towns and cities.

The urban panel facilitates debate among those engaged in promoting and managing development. It ensures that the involvement of CABE and English Heritage is constructive and well informed.

Panel members include practitioners from architecture, landscape architecture, development economics, architectural history, archaeology, local government, retail, conservation and regeneration. Their wealth of experience and impartiality adds value to the urban panel’s engagement with local issues.

The panel has accumulated an understanding of best practice through its regular programme of visits (it has now visited 50 towns and cities). Review papers are published after each visit and further information is available in the CABE Urban Panel publication.