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Berlin Housing - Pringle Richards Sharratt flies British flag in Berlin

Architects Journal

Pringle Richards Sharratt flies British flag in Berlin

Pringle Richards Sharratt has been appointed to design 20 houses as part of Berlin's Bauaustellung, an exhibition of housebuilding to be held in the city next year. The exhibition will involve the construction of more than 100 houses on each of five sites within the city's boundaries, and forms part of a programme to build affordable housing for sale which will encourage people to move back into the city.

Five architects are working on each site, and although there is some international content, Pringle Richards Sharratt is the only foreign architect working on its site at Buchholz West. It is also the only British architect in the entire project. It has been appointed late in the process, replacing Russians Dimitri Bush and Alexander Khomiakow, and so its work does not appear in the exhibition of schemes being held at Berlin's daz architecture centre.