Lewisham Council owns the building and ran a bid process to pick the development team that included Pringle Richards Sharratt. The core aim of the project is to facilitate the construction of a careful mix of affordable and for-sale residential units that could release a suitable quantum of revenue to pay for the restoration of the Grade II listed Ladywell Playtower, bringing it back into public use. Any new development sits within the curtilage of this listed building, which also sits at the heart of a Conservation Area, adjacent to the Grade II* listed church of St Mary’s, all located approximately 1km to the South West of Lewisham centre, and roughly halfway between Lewisham High Street and Ladywell’s bustling village centre and strong transport links.
By developing various iterations, working closely with Historic England and Lewisham’s Conservation Officer from the outset, we have managed to gain broad support from both Historic England and the Lewisham Preservation Trust for this 40 unit heritage led residential scheme including some affordable units.
The scheme includes a smaller detached building to the east of the listed building and a larger block to the south. Various viability or sensitivity analysis are being undertaken together with Lewisham to agree the exact mix and quantum of affordable housing, but the hope is that this will be resolved shortly, a Planning application will be submitted towards the end of 2019 and planning secured early 2020.
Collaboration : Maccreanor Lavington