The development consists of four one-bedroom lofts on two floors, built entirely of prefabricated lightweight structural timber panels, on a very tight urban site next to a railway viaduct at Waterloo. Two of the lofts are 45 m2 and two are 35 m2 – the site area is 160 m2. There was also a desire to use sustainable materials from renewable sources (all timber products) and well insulated and energy-efficient construction. The building was highly prefabricated in order to reduce construction times.
The site was previously occupied by a single storey warehouse, which covered the whole plot. This had proved difficult to let over recent years, because of poor vehicle access from the narrow lane. After extensive negotiations, planning consent was granted for four residential units, the case being helped by the poor viability of the existing warehouse.
The planning concept was to develop the lofts in a long, thin strip on two storeys on one half of the site and an internal courtyard along the other half, which would provide an entrance court and a garden for the lofts.