We were asked by the Creative Foundation to refurbish and extend the Brewery Tap public house in the heart of both the Creative Quarter of Folkestone and the Tontine Street Conservation area.
The building use to sit in a terrace before a bomb during an air raid in 1917 destroyed the adjacent grocer’s shop. Ever since the adjacent site has stood empty and most recently served as a beer garden to the pub.
The design sensitively addresses this ‘corner’ condition, bringing together the two very different scales and styles of the once formal Tontine Street and the less structured Mill Bay with Payers Park beyond - drawing on the glazed brick façade of the Brewery Tap Public House, its buttressed brick chimney and the vernacular horizontal timber boarding.
A bar and café with support facilities are provided on the ground floor, with three studio spaces for new businesses on the first floor, and a two bedroom flat with a stunning glazed living area and views across Payers Park on the second floor – achieving sustainable code for homes level 3.