The late-19th-century former Fire Station is an impressive building in the late Victorian Gothic style and a local landmark of architectural significance in the Stoke Newington Conservation Area. Following its conversion to a community centre in the late 20th Century, the building has been repurposed into one of community significance operated by the Old Fire Station Charity.
The multi-tenanted building is now home to a number of different and diverse community, cultural, and social enterprises, providing valued services and spaces to the local residents of Hackney.
PRS were appointed in June 2022 as architects and lead designers to develop proposals for the renovation and repurposing of the building to better meet the needs of its community groups, develop the stage 1 feasibility study, obtain statutory consents and prepare a scheme and presentation materials that can be used to secure external funding to realise the future development. PRS are developing a scheme that remodels the building’s circulation to overcome its inherent accessibility issues and improve user access, wayfinding, and experience, along with a review of the existing arrangement of tenants to see where issues of adjacencies and separation can be optimised to allow for future expansion.